Advanced Certificate in Human Resource Management (The Open University of Sri Lanka)
Irumbu Thirai News
October 25, 2023
This program is designed to develop competent and skillful HR professionals by providing the necessary theoretical and practical competencies.
Closing Date for Applications: 14th of November 2023
Total : Rs. 39100/= Can be paid in two instalments.
1st Instalment: Rs. 24,700/=
2nd Instalment: Rs. 14,400/=
Sri Lanka Pincipals' Service (SLPS) Grade 111 Appointment List - 2023 (Full List)
Circular: Online Meetings/ நிகழ்நிலை மூலம் கூட்டங்களை நடாத்துதல்
Advanced Certificate in Human Resource Management (The Open University of Sri Lanka)
Reviewed by Irumbu Thirai News
October 25, 2023