24 major projects worth over $ 3.68 bn implemented in four years
October 09, 2019
After 2015, 24 major development projects have been implemented says Treasury. with over US$ 3.68 billion in foreign loans.Secretary to the Treasury Dr. RHS Samaratunga has said that friendly countries and foreign financial institutions have provided large sums of money as bilateral financial aid for the socio-economic infrastructure development of Sri Lanka. According to the Treasury Secretary, the Exim Bank of China has granted
US $ 360.3 million to implement Phase 2 of the Southern Expressway Extension Development Project from Beliatta to Weeraketiya.He said US $ 318 million financial aid was obtained from the Exim Bank of India to improve the railway system of the country. First phase of the expansion of the Kalu Ganga Water Supply Project has been initiated with US $ 279.1 million aid from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has granted US $ 250 million to expand the country's capital market.During the past four years
the government has implemented 24 mega development projects for the benefit of the people, with the financial aid from the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, governments of friendly countries including India, China, and foreign financial institutions, the Treasury Secretary said.
24 major projects worth over $ 3.68 bn implemented in four years
Reviewed by irumbuthirai
October 09, 2019