Scholarships United States of America
February 27, 2020
The United States-Sri Lanka Fulbright Commission (US-SLFC) invites applicationsfrom current, full time Sri Lankan secondary-level teachers of English, English asa Foreign Language,
math,science, and socialstudies, including special education, atinstitutionsservingprimarily a local population,forthe Fulbright Teaching Excellence andAchievement (Fulbright TEA)
Programawards. The Fulbright TEA programis a six-week, non-degree, non-credit academic programataU.S. University,totake academic seminarsfor professional development and
toobserve andsharetheir expertisewithteachers andstudents atthehost university andatlocal secondary schools.
Application Deadline: March 15, 2020
Click the link below for more details:
Scholarships United States of America
Reviewed by irumbuthirai
February 27, 2020